Husky Heroes-Morton Arboretum Jan 09
Here I go again, a confirmed cat person photographing dogs!

The annual event, HUSKY HEROES, is presented at the Morton Arboretum by the local Adopt a Husky, Inc group: Siberian Husky Rescue. Visit their website at

These dogs are so gentle and sweet, yet they work so hard doing what they do!! They are quite amazing. They perform in teams to cover the thoughfully laid out track at the Morton Arboretum for several runs with plenty of rest time in between.

Not running today?? No problem, she's still included!

The dogs work hard, and they seem to enjoy every minute of it!

At the end of the day the trainers stayed around to answer questions and the dogs stayed around to look cute ...

Don't forget to visit the website and learn about all that this group does for Huskies!
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