Working Farms
In preparation for next week's fundraiser for Garfield Farm Park, a working farm in Illinois, I spent some time photographing there, as well as nearby Peck Farm Park, today.
Peck Farm is owned by the Geneva Park District and is very well maintained as the former owners desired it to be: a preserve of the native and agricultural landscape of Illinois and an open space amenity for area residents. The existing farm buildings have been converted into new uses, from administrative offices to interpretive and multimedia education areas. A popular highlight for me is the open air Butterfly Exhibit. Today's volunteers Chuck and Susan were extremely supportive and helpful to the visitors.
I had good looks at Southern Whites and a new one for me, a Polydamas Swallowtail, a native of Florida.

Next, I made a visit to Garfield Farm Park, which is much more rustic and historical in nature. I had to search for the sheep but finally found them grazing outside of the main house. As patient as I was, only one was willing to pick her head up from the field... isn't she cute!!
If you live anywhere nearby, please stop out to Mongerson Farm, just east of Garfield Farm on Rt 38, 3 miles west of Randall for the Antique and Arts Festival on June 28 and 29!
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